Seattle Public Schools

Indian Parent Advisory Committee Information

Title VI Indian Parent Committee Minutes

Title VI Indian Education

Public Announcement Title VI Formula Grant for 2023 – 2024:

  • Allocated amount: $152,674
  • Staff Salary: 136,000
  • Student Supplies / Field Trips: 8,000
  • Staff / Student Travel (mileage reimbursement): 3,740
  • Indirect Cost at 3.34% = 4,934
  • (Posted 05-01-2023)

Goals and Objectives:

  • Increase academic achievement
  • Increase graduation rate
  • Increase support for at-risk students

Formula Grant Program

Native Education applies annually for federally funding through the Title VI Indian Education Formula Grant program that assists Native American, Alaskan Native, and American Indian students in Seattle Public Schools in grades K-12. We believe that the academic success of Native students is grounded in a strong sense of cultural identity and belonging.

We are currently doing our count and final gathering of new 506 forms. If you have not filled out forms for your students in Seattle Public schools, please download the 506 from our Parent Information webpage . When completed, please return to your school and they can send it intra-district mail to:

Native Education Program Manager
JSCEE, Mail Stop: 31-529

Great Job! Let’s keep letting parents know about the 506 forms. We need to keep increasing our numbers. Our funding goes down with each student that leaves the district or graduates.

Unallowable Costs

October 7, 2019 from the Office of Indian Education, Title VI

The cost of the following items will not be allowed within project budgets:

  • Student banquets, dinners, ceremonies or other similar social occasions;
  • Student incentives, stipends, scholarships or personal articles/items;
  • Parental costs or stipends;
  • Basic transportation costs of students for the school/LEA;
  • Vehicle purchases; or
  • Other costs which are not specifically related to an approved project objective or identified as an administrative cost.
  • City bus passes or tokens
  • Laundry tokens
  • Fees or passes for non-school related places or activities such as the YMCA
  • Gas cards (the intentions for these is to get students and families to cultural events within the community, to get students home from after school clubs or events, to help get parents to the JOM or Title VI committee meetings or to school board or their areas parent advisory meetings.)

Local Education Agencies (LEA’s) 

LEA and Parent Committee Roles and Responsibilities 

See you at the meetings.

Indian Parent Advisory Committee (IPAC) Bylaws

IPAC Bylaws

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